Energy poverty

Note 1: The indicator merely applies to subsector = 17 (Average residential)

Note 2: The vast majority of mentioned data can be imported from wuppertal/energy_poverty.xlsx in the public import folder. The sheet names are the id_parameter (from 25 to 36 excluding 26).

Note 3: The indicator considers only the id_action_type (1, 2, 3, 4), for the rest it is Zero.

Calculate the number of people lifted out of energy poverty \(\Delta EP\)

\(\Delta EP = N \cdot PTF / 100 \cdot SHH \cdot \left( IF_{owner} \cdot OOR + IF_{tenant} \cdot (1 - OOR) \right)\)

\(\Delta EP = \) Energy poverty (the number of people lifted out of energy poverty)

\(N\) = number of affected dwellings (id_parameter = 45), calculation in the related module

\(PTF\) = policy targetedness factor, percentage of improvement actions implemented among energy poor households (id_parameter = 25, table wuppertal_parameters)

\(SHH\) = average size of energy poor households (id_parameter = 30, table wuppertal_parameters)

\(OOR\) = owner-occupier rate among national population (id_parameter = 33, table wuppertal_parameters)

\(IF_{owner/tenant}\) = share of energy poor population affected by a specific measure among owner-occupiers and tenants, respectively. Calculation described below.

Determination of IF (share of energy poor population affected by a specific measure among owner-occupiers and tenants, respectively)

For id_action_type 1, 2, and 3

The impact factor describes the share of the population in a decile where \(\Delta DI_{tenant/owner}\) is higher than the decile’s \(EPG_{tenant/owner, d, y}\):

\(IF = (\rm{number\,of\,deciles\,where\,} \Delta DI > EPG_{d, y})/10\)

(Could alternatively be calculated as \((\rm{highest\,decile\,where\,} \Delta DI > EPG_{d, y})/10\))

\(\Delta DI_{tenant} = EC_{ss, a, y}/N - RRP / 100 \cdot REP\)

\(\Delta DI_{owner} = EC_{ss, a, y}/N - I_{ss, a, y}/IAL \cdot (100 - SR) / 100\)

\(REP\) = average rent of energy poor households (id_parameter = 29, table wuppertal_parameters and measure specific parameters table, tab residential)

\(RRP\) = average renovation rent premium as percent of rent (id_parameter = 34, table wuppertal_parameters and measure specific parameters table, tab residential )

\(IAL\) = lifetime (“Lifetime of improvement actions”, “Average technology lifetime”) (id_parameter = 36, table wuppertal_sector_parameters and measure specific parameter table, tab main)

\(SR\) = subsidy rate covered by any given scheme in percent of investments costs (id_parameter = 35, table wuppertal_parameters)

\(EPG_{d, y}\) = energy poverty gap (id_parameter = 27 for owner-occupiers and 28 for tenants, table wuppertal_decile_parameters)

\(EC_{ss, a, y}\) = energy cost savings as calculated in #34

\(I_{ss, a, y}\) = investments for a given row in the front end (id_parameter=40, calculated in the module investments)

For id_action_type 4

The impact factor describes the share of the population in a decile where \(\Delta DI_{tenant/owner}\) is higher than the decile’s \(EPG_{tenant/owner, d, y}\):

\(IF = (\rm{number\,of\,deciles\,where\,} \Delta DI > EPG_{d, y})/10\)

\(\Delta DI_{tenant/owner, ss, a, y} = EC_{ss, a, y}/N - I_{ss, a, y}/IAL \cdot (100 - SR) / 100\)

For other values of id_action_type and other subsectors

\(IF = 0\)