The front end vizard

This page offers a step-by-step guide through the front end of the MICATool.

Selection of the geographic area

In the MICATool vizard, the first step is the selection of the geographic area. Users have the choice between the whole European Union as of 2020, a Member State, or a municipality/region in a Member State. For the latter option, the number of inhabitants of the assessed entity is required, in order to allow for the scaling of some national values. This page contains more details about the selection of the geographic area.

Selection of (sub-)sector and improvement action

In order for the MICATool to properly work, measures, policies, and scenarios need to be decomposed into combinations of (sub-)sectors and improvement actions. This is due to the fact, that impact factors and default values may strongly differ between different combinations. The selection of (sub-)sectors and improvement action and how to decompose a measure is described on this page.

Inputting energy savings

The energy savings of measures have to be inputted in total annual savings, one of three ways to account energy savings. However, the unit of energy savings can be selected in the drop-down menu on the left above the table. Furthermore, in order to adapt to users’ needs and data, specific year columns can be added by clicking on the “+Year” button in the upper right corner of the table. In the same sense, additional rows can be added with the button “+Row”.

Measure-specific parameters

The measure-specific template allows to alter default values for a certain row in the front end vizard. Thus, the tool overrides the default values, in case the users changes a value in the template and uploads it. By default, the template is populated with the default values the tool would normally use in the entered case.