Accounting of energy savings and how to input them into the MICATool

Generally, energy savings can be accounted for in three different ways: new annual savings, total annual savings, and cumulative savings. The MICATool uses total annual savings, however, it makes sense to dive a little bit into the topic, in order to avoid confusion.

New annual savings

New annual savings are the savings generated by measures implemented in the examined year.


Figure 1: Schematic depiction of new annual savings in the examplary year 2023.

Total annual savings

In contrast to new annual savings, total annual savings take all savings into account that accrue in the examined year compared to a scenario in which the assessed energy efficiency measures have not been implemented. Thus, all savings generated in the examined year by older measures are also considered, as long as the lifetime of the measure is not over.


Figure 1: Schematic depiction of total annual savings in the examplary year 2023.

Cumulative savings

Cumulative savings consider all savings achieved since the inception of the assessed energy efficiency measures until the examined year in comparison to a scenario without these savings. Yet, savings are still only accounted within the measures’ lifetime.


Figure 1: Schematic depiction of total annual savings in the examplary year 2023.