Number of affected dwellings assumption

Since this figure is necessary for the calculation of energy poverty and indoor climate-related indicators, this module assumes the number of affected dwellings for residential measures.

The easiest approach comes into play if users specify the figure in the measure-specific template, rendering the equations to come superfluous. Alternatively, users can also specify a renovation rate in this template, which is then multiplied with national dwelling stock data (on the local level, values are scaled using the scaling module but can be altered) to calculate the number of affected dwellings.

In case neither of these values are stated, the number of affected dwellings is calculated from energy savings using a coefficient issued from modelling activities and provided by e3m (id_parameter=48).


For id_action_type 1, 2, and 3

If \(N_{{\rm user\_input}, y} \neq NaN => N_y = N_{{\rm user\_input}, y}\)

If \(N_{{\rm user\_input}, y} = NaN =>\)

____ IF \(ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y} \neq NaN => N_y = ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y} / 100 \cdot DS\)

____ IF \(ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y} = NaN => N_y = \Delta E_{ss, a, y} \cdot k_{NIA/\Delta E, a}\)

\(N_{{\rm user\_input}, y}\) = user input “number of affected dwellings” on residential tab in measure specific parameters template (id_parameter = 45)

\(ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y}\) = “annual renovation rate” on residential tab in measure specific parameters template (id_parameter = 43)

\(DS\) = national dwelling stock (id_parameter = 32, table wuppertal_parameters and measure specific template file, residential tab)

\(k_{NIA/\Delta E, a}\) = number of affected dwellings per ktoe (coefficient describing the average number of improvement actions per energy unit) (id_parameter = 48, source e3m, public/e3m/NIA_per_ktoe.xlsx)

\(\Delta E_{ss, a, y}\) = energy savings stemming from front end

For id_action_type 4

If \(N_{{\rm user\_input}, y} \neq NaN => N_y = N_{{\rm user\_input}, y}\)

If \(N_{{\rm user\_input}, y} = NaN =>\)

_____ If \(ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y} \neq NaN => ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y} / 100 \cdot DS\)

_____ If \(ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y} = NaN => N_y = 0\)

\(N_{{\rm user\_input}, y}\) = number of affected dwellings (id_parameter = 45), specified as measure-specific parameter by a user

\(ARR_{{\rm user\_input}, y}\) = “annual renovation rate” on residential tab in measure-specific parameters template (id_parameter = 43)

For other values of id_action_type and other sub sectors

\(N_y = 0\)