
Generally, investments are input by the user in the measure-specific template. However, a default assumption needs to be calculated as default for the template and in case the user does not use the template:

A. If \(`I_{{\rm user\_input}, c, ss, a, y} \neq NaN`\):

\(`I_{c, ss, a, y} = I_{{\rm user\_input}, c, ss, a, y}`\)

B. If \(`I_{{\rm user\_input}, c, ss, a, y} = NaN`\):

\(`I_{c, ss, a, y} = \Delta E_{c, ss, a, y} \cdot k_{{\rm I/ktoe}, a} `\)

\(`I_{c, ss, a, y}`\) = investments for a given row in the front end

\(`I_{{\rm user\_input}, c, ss, a, y}`\) = user input of investment costs from measure-specific parameter template

\(`\Delta E_{c, ss, a, y}`\) = user input of energy savings of the same row in the front end

\(`k_{{\rm I/ktoe}, a, y} `\) = investments per saved ktoe (id_parameter=41, source e3m, /public/e3m/investments_per_ktoe.xlsx)