Health effects due to indoor climate


\(`\Delta DALY_{{\rm Asthma}, m, y} = DPDB_c \cdot N_{m, y} \cdot MDRS_c \cdot DBTF_{c}`\)

\(`\Delta DALY_{{\rm Asthma}, m, y}`\) = reduction in disability-adjusted life years due to improved air quality

\(`DPDB_{c}`\) = DALY per damp and mouldy building ratio (source: Wuppertal, /public/Wuppertal/health.xlsx)

\(`N_{m, y}`\) = number of affected buildings, calculated in the related module

\(`MDRS_c`\) = share of measures constituting medium and deep renovations (source: Wuppertal, /public/Wuppertal/health.xlsx)

\(`DBTF_c`\) = damp and mouldy buildings targetedness factor (share of deep renovations implemented in buildings plagued with dampness and mould) (source: Wuppertal, /public/Wuppertal/health.xlsx)


\(`HC_{{\rm AST}, c, ss, a, y} = \Delta DALY_{{\rm Asthma}, m, y} \cdot VOLY_{c, y}`\)

\(`HC_{{\rm AST}, c, ss, a, y}`\) = monetary benefits linked to a reduction of dampness and mould-related asthma cases

\(`\Delta DALY_{{\rm Asthma}, m, y}`\) = reduction in disability-adjusted life years due to improved air quality (from #28)

\(`VOLY_{c, y}`\) = value of life year (id_parameter = 56). Sheet VOLY in public/WHO