Reduced mortality due to air pollution


In order to calculate the reduced mortality \(MAP\) related to the emissions of pollutants, the core equation is the following:

\(\Delta MAP_{c, e, u, ss, y} = CF_{{\rm MAP}, c, e, ss, y} \cdot \Delta E_{c, e, ss, y} = CF_{{\rm MAP}, c, e, ss, y} \cdot \sum_u \Delta E_{c, e, ss, u, y}\)

\(\Delta MAP_{c, e, ss, y} = \) change in pollutants-related mortality casualties and lost working days

\(CF_{{\rm MAP}, c, e, ss, y} = \) casualty factor for a given country, energy carrier, subsector, and year, either for lost working days or mortality

The casualty factor values are in casualties per PJ of energy


\(HC_{{\rm MAP}, c, ss, a, y} = \Delta \phi_{c, e, ss, y} \cdot VSL_{c, y}\)

\(HC_{{\rm MAP}, c, ss, a, y}\) = monetary benefits linked to reduced mortality due to air pollution

\(\Delta MAP_{c, e, ss, y} = \) = reduction in mortality due to improved air quality

\(VSL_{c, y}\) = value of statistical life (id_parameter = 37). Sheet VSL in public/WHO