Supplier diversity

\( \Delta HHI_{c, e, y} = HHI_{c, e, y} - [LS_{c, e, y} + OS_{c, e, y}]\)

\( \Delta HHI_{c, e, y} = \) Change in supplier diversity by energy efficiency impact, unit: unitless

\( HHI_{c, e, y} = \) Supplier diversity, unit: unitless, must be calculated in the back_end , calculation: see here

\(LS_{c, e, y} = \) Impact of energy efficiency on largest supplier, unit: unitless calculation depends on the user imput, calculation: see here

\(OS_{c, e, y} = \) Impact of energy efficiency on other suppliers, unit: unitless calculation depends on the user imput, calculation: see here

Note: index e is for id_final_energy_carrier and here only includes the values 2 (for oil), 3 (for coal), and 4 (for gas). For other id_final_energy_carrier are not applicable and should not be shown the user.

Supplier diversity

\(HHI_{c, e, y} = \Sigma_{pc=1}^{N_{pc}} (\frac{k_{pc} \cdot IE_{c, e, pc, y}}{IE_{c, e, y}})^2 \)

\(IE_{c, e, y} = \sum_{pc}{IE_{c, e, pc, y}} \)

\(HHI_{c, e, y} = \) supplier diversity for energy carrier (e) and the region (c) in each year (y), unit: unitless (factor)

\(k_{pc} = \) risk coefficient of suppliers , unit: unitless, id_parameter = 52, source: \micat\back_end\import_public\raw_data\eurostat\risk_coefficient_of_suppliers.xlsx

\(IE_{c, e, pc, y} = \) average monthly imported energy (e) by region (c) from partner region (pc), and in each year (y), unit: ktoe, id_parameter = 51, source: \micat\back_end\import_public\raw_data\eurostat\average_monthly_imported_energy.xlsx

\(IE_{c, e, y} = \) total amount of imported energy, unit: ktoe

Impact of energy efficiency on largest supplier

\(LS_{c, e, y} = (k_{1, c, y} \frac{IE_{c, e, y, 1} - \Delta E_{c, e, y}}{IE_{c, e, y} - \Delta E_{c, e, y}})^2\)

\(LS_{c, e, y}\) = Impact of energy efficiency on largest supplier, unit: unitless

\(k_{1, c, e, y} = \) risk coefficient of the largest supplier for each region, unit: unitless, calculation: go to the table for \( IE_{c, e, pc, y}\), for each year, each id_region, and each id_final_energy_carrier, check which id_partner_region has the largest value. then go to the table for \(k_{pc}\) and take the value for the same id_partner_country that you just have found. This value is the \( k_{1, c, e, y}\)

\(IE_{c, e, y, 1} = \) amount of imported energy from the largest supplier by region (c), final energy carrier (e), and year (y); unit: ktoe, calculation: go to the table for \( IE_{c, e, pc, y}\), for each year, each id_region, and each id_final_energy_carrier, check which id_partner_region has the largest value, and take this value as IE_{c, e, y, 1}

\(\Delta E_{c, e, y} = \) energy savings, unit: ktoe, input by user

Impact of energy efficiency on other suppliers

\(OS_{c, e, y} = \Sigma_{pc=2}^{N_{pc}} (\frac{k_{pc} \cdot IE_{c, e, pc, y}}{IE_{c, e, y} - \Delta E_{c, e, y}})^2\)

Parameters are explained above.

Note: In the \(OS_{c, e, y}\) calculation, the Sigma starts from 2, which means you need to exclude the largest supplier values which you have found in the LS calculation here