Import dependence


This indicator currently shows unexpected behaviour. Until this is fixed, please restrain from using its results!

Impact on import dependence belongs to the economic indicators and is calculated as follows:

\(\Delta ID_{pe, y} = ID_{pe, y} - ID_{{\rm S}, pe, y}\)

\(\Delta ID_{pe, y}\) = impact on import dependence.

\(ID_{pe, y}\) = import dependence without savings (see below)

\(ID_{{\rm S}, pe, y}\) = import dependence with savings (see below)

Please note that the impact on import dependence is shown in the chart in %-points:

\(\Delta ID_{pe, y} * 100\).

(=> This is different to a relative difference \(-\Delta ID_{pe, y} /ID_{pe, y}\) in % !)

A. Import dependence without savings:

\(ID_{pe, y} = 1 - \frac{ PP_{pe, y} }{ GAE_{pe, y} - PC_{\rm{NE}, pe, y}}\)

\(PP_{pe, y}\) = primary energy production mapped to primary energy carriers (id_parameter =1)

\(GAE_{pe, y}\) = gross available energy mapped to primary energy carriers (id_parameter=2)

\(PC_{\rm{NE}, pe, y}\) = primary energy consumption for non-energy uses mapped to primary energy carriers (id_parameter=3)

B. Import dependence with savings:

\(ID_{{\rm S}, pe, y} = 1 - \frac{ PP_{pe, y} }{ GAE_{{\rm S}, pe, y} - PC_{{\rm NE}, pe, y}}\)

\(GAE_{{\rm S}, pe, y} = GAE_{e, y} - \sum_{ss} \sum_{a} \Delta E_{{\rm P}, pe, ss, a, y} \)

\(GAE_{{\rm S}, pe, y}\) = gross available energy reduced by primary energy savings

\(\Delta E_{{\rm P}, pe, ss, a, y}\) = primary energy saving calculated in the related module