Impact on energy intensity


This indicator currently shows unexpected behaviour. Until this is fixed, please restrain from using its results!

The energy intensity is the quotient of primary energy consumption and GDP, thus describing the energy needed to generate a unit of GDP. The baseline (BL) without savings would look as follows:

\(\psi_{{\rm BL}, y} = \frac{\sum_e ( GAE_{e, y} - PC_{{\rm NE}, e, y})}{GDP_{{\rm BL}, y}}\)

Including savings (\(\Delta E\)), the equation would look this way:

\(\psi_{{\rm \Delta E}, y} = \frac{\sum_e (GAE_{e, y} - PC_{{\rm NE}, e, y} - \Delta E_{{\rm P}, e, y})}{GDP_{{\rm BL}, y} + GDP_{{\rm \Delta E}, y}}\)

\(\psi_{{\rm BL}, y}\) = energy intensity baseline

\(\psi_{{\rm \Delta E}, y}\) = energy intensity including savings

\(\Delta E_{{\rm PEC}, e, y}\) = primary energy savings as calculated in the indicator Energy savings and the FEC to PEC conversion module.

\(GDP_{{\rm BL}, y}\) = GDP coming from database (id_parameter = 10)

\(GDP_{{\rm \Delta E}, y}\) = additional GDP through savings as calculated in Impact on GDP

\(GAE_{e, y}\) = gross available energy (id_parameter = 2)

\(PC_{{\rm NE}, e, y}\) = primary non-energy consumption (id_parameter = 3)