Asset value of residential and tertiary buildings

This indicator merely applies to the sectors:

  • residential (id_sector=4) and

  • tertiary (id_sector=3).

Within these sectors, it only applies to the following end uses:

  • building envelope (id_action_type = 1),

  • heating fuel switch (id_action_type = 2),

  • improvement of heating (id_action_type = 3 ).

The formula is the following:

\(\Delta AV_{s, y} = \frac{\sum_{e} \sum_u EC_{e, ss, a, y}}{CR_c}\)

\(\Delta AV_{s, y}\) = added asset value of buildings in € (id_indicator_chart =7)

\(EC_{e, ss, a, y}\) = energy cost coming from #34

\(CR_c\) = country-dependent capitalisation rate, in public/CBRE, differentiated for residential and tertiary buildings

For indices see #325